The Neighborhoods and Networks Study: N2

John Schneider, MD, MPH
Medicine - Infectious Diseases and Global Health


N2 is a cohort study that engages Black sexual minority men and transgender women to better understand how HIV, COVID-19 and other substance use, mental health statuses are driven by social and structural determinants of health. Our diverse team works at the medical center and off-site (55th and Lake Park) at a large Community research space that is co-located with Howard Brown Health and combined provides a wealth of opportunities in community engagement, clinic to community transitions, analysis, modeling and service provision. Faculty from the project are located nationally with opportunities to engage collaborators within UC as well as Columbia, University of Miami, University of Colorado, William Patterson and others. Medical students who have worked with us in the past have had first author publication submitted by the end of their experience as well as opportunities to present at national conferences.

Specific Aims

Aim 1. Quantify social network and neighborhood characteristics related to downstream health factors relevant to vulnerable communities.

Aim 2. Determine how heavy cannabis, meth use or other stimulants impact health care engagement.

Aim 3. Measure factors that contribute to health outcomes such as sleep, interactions with law enforcement, criminal justice involvement, and racism.


GPS devices, social media downloads, quantitative analyses, modeling, primary data collection, biospecimen collection (blood, urine, rectal and oral swabs), community engagement

Required Software

STATA would be useful and should be obtained from medical school and mentor

Conferences Available for Participation

Most domestic HIV, STI or other relevant conferences will be encouraged to the student

Scholarship & Discovery Tracks: Community Health, Global Health, Health Services & Data Sciences
NIH Mission Areas: NHLBI - Lungs